About Us

What Is FYI’s Mission and Vision?
We envision a democratic peaceful South Sudan for rejuvenated, engendered and inclusive entrepreneurs for the sustainability of sound economic growth and social environment facilitating business development.
We provide services and resources enhancing capacities of impoverished, underserved and underprivileged South Sudanese communities through grant supports and other development pathways.
As for our vision- the aim is to become a premier organization influencing development policies and processes empowering South Sudanese communities to co-exist in harmony with improved socio-economic, cultural and sustainable development.
Our Partners & Sponsors
Foundation for Youth Initiative is a youth focus national NGO founded in 2011. In scope, it’s a small Foundation but effective in delivering services to unprivileged communities in South Sudan. In the past, FYI has worked on projects with PACT, Justice Africa, and International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Canada High Commission, Embassy of Norway and the Embassy of Denmark. Currently, it partners with InterNews and United States African Development Foundation (USADF) (other Partners listed below).
It is managing a Community Development Institutions Program with the funding that goes beyond emergency interventions as part of a 5 year Livelihoods Program under Capacity Building Program for Community Development Institutions with support from the USADF; the grants support over eleven smallholder farmer cooperatives in South Sudan whose total membership size shoots over 10,000. The program focuses on cassava, sesame, groundnuts and vegetables; other value chains focused on particularly, are gum Arabic, Shea nuts, coffee and other strategic commodities.. Our NGO is opened to creating more partnerships in order to achieve our aims.

What Are Our Core Values?
Support community
resilience initiatives
Strengthen rural agricultural productive system
Support investment
in human capital
Advocate for advancement of rule of law and good governance
What Are Our Area Of Focus?
Livelihoods and Food Security
WaSH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene)
Capacity Building for Community
Education and Functional Adult Literacy
Development Institutions
Access to Justice
Child Protection and Child Poverty Reduction
Peace buildingYouth and Women Empowerment

Plot No. 60 & 61, Hai Thoura
Buluk – Hai Thoura Road, Juba, South Sudan