On the 20th of April 2020, the United States African Development Foundation launched the USADF C.A.R.E.S COVID -19 Program to build resilience among African enterprises and entrepreneurs while combating COVID-19 -19 IN Africa. The program has assisted their South Sudanese grantees with an emergency fund to assist them during these hard times.

100 Water Jerricans procured by ADA for distribution

ADA’s Protective Gear’s; masks, gloves, hand sanitizers for COVID-19
The Akari Development Association (ADA) have used their emergency fund to supply protective gears such as masks and hand sanitizers to many farm members and the surrounding community. They have also taken the initiative to set up multiple handwashing stations by procuring 100 jerricans and hand soaps to distribute among their members and the small businesses operating in the communities in the Kpuri and Kappo areas in Jubek County. Two Speeches by the ADA Board members were given during the coverage of this event by the SSBC (South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation)
There is currently no lockdown in South Sudan due to the economic situation as the vast population depending on daily incomes from small economic activities such as selling in markets, streets hawking, transportation and selling affordable food in small shops all across the city of Juba. ADA has taken it upon them to supply protection to the local community to carry out their daily activities safely as possible and minimizing the chance of contracting COVID-19 -19 to the best of their abilities.
“We would like to thank the USADF and FYI for supporting us and we shall continue to hope that COVID -19 shall come to an end in South Sudan so that our farmers will be free to cultivate and produce more for the sustainability of our people, until then we have to do what we can help” – Anna Nana Bona, Deputy Chairperson in the Board of Directors of Akari Development Association.