
Funded by USADF in 2015, Foundation for Youth Initiative supported Kanybek General Trading and Investment Company Ltd on its Kanybek Maize Milling Capacity Building Project. The goal of the Project was to improve the standard of living of 300-low-income maize-growers in Mugali, Eastern Equatoria State of South Sudan. The purpose of the project was to improve Kanybek’s prospects for sustained expansion as indicated by the development of a comprehensive five-year business plan that deems suitable for funding by a donor or financial institution, improved financial management capacity, management capacity and technical capacity evidenced by Kanybek’s ability to produce milled maize flour for sale to the market in a financially sustainable way.

Foundation for Youth Initiative has provided training and technical assistance on numerous topics including Enterprise Development And Marketing, Food Quality Control And Safety, Sustainable Agriculture And Maize Production, Agricultural Best Practices, Governance and Systems Development, Financial Management Systems Development, Administrative, and Operational Systems Development, Business Plan Development and Market Brand and Plan. Now in its second year, Kanybek has helped to increase farm income by almost $500,000, increased agricultural investments by $1 million, and supported 3,039 farmers both members and non-members.

See Kanybek’s Expansion project here.


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May 29, 2020