Amount USD: 97,748.4
Project Description:
Organic Cooking Oil Company (OCO) was formed by 240 South Sudanese smallholder farmers in 2012, primarily to improve living standards of its members. OCO has been involved in production of peanut paste and limited production of peanut oil since establishment. However, OCO is faced with enormous challenges including lack of fund to double purchase of peanut from farmers, lack of processing equipment, and lack of technical know-how in production of peanut oil.
- The Board identified such constraints in a board meeting. Discussants including the chairman, Treasurer and other three members of the Board of Directors played an important role in project identification. The idea was then discussed at the AGM with the general membership and the organization had a consensus around the plan to scale up cooking oil-processing business.
- The type of processing equipment and accessories needed will not pollute the environment with noise, as they will be relatively quiet machine. As this is a pilot project and the volume of product is limited and the amount of waste products from the process will be negligible, and therefore there are no anticipated environmental problems in this project.Primary Impact Statement: (Summarize who are the primary beneficiaries and what the expected impact levels may be)
Recommendation (Comment on project viability, suggested next steps, and basis for recommendation)
- We recommend UASDF to fund this project. There are no critical issues in regard to the risk that may interrupt successful implementation of the project.
Environmental Concerns (comment on any obvious environmental or safety related issues to be addressed). This project has significant potentials in boosting economic growth and reducing food insecurity by increasing income levels of farmers through sale of their produces to the Coop. Increased productivity and introduction of simple processing methods leads to increased income thereby contributes to food and nutrition security through diet diversity. The additional income generated through the project will reduce food insecurity and contribute positively to nutrition outcomes.
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