Jan 6, 2023
Gezira Young People Agribusiness Trust Co. Ltd (GYPAT) was formed in 2012, and fully
incorporated in 2018 under South Sudan Company Registration Act 2012. Their lines of
core business include fruit juice processing, restaurant services and Crop production with
value addition such as maize and sorghum flour respectively. Their primary goal is to create
jobs to enable South Sudanese youth and women to become self-reliant, and support food security
in their local communities, and provide market linkages to smallholders’ farmers, thus
increasing smallholder farmers’ incomes. GYPAT envisions being a leading food and
beverage production in South Sudan.
May 29, 2020
Amount USD: 97,748.4
Project Description:
Organic Cooking Oil Company (OCO) was formed by 240 South Sudanese smallholder farmers in 2012, primarily to improve living standards of its members. OCO has been involved in production of peanut paste and limited production of peanut oil since establishment. However, OCO is faced with enormous challenges including lack of fund to double purchase of peanut from farmers, lack of processing equipment, and lack of technical know-how in production of peanut oil.
- The Board identified such constraints in a board meeting. Discussants including the chairman, Treasurer and other three members of the Board of Directors played an important role in project identification. The idea was then discussed at the AGM with the general membership and the organization had a consensus around the plan to scale up cooking oil-processing business.
- The type of processing equipment and accessories needed will not pollute the environment with noise, as they will be relatively quiet machine. As this is a pilot project and the volume of product is limited and the amount of waste products from the process will be negligible, and therefore there are no anticipated environmental problems in this project.Primary Impact Statement: (Summarize who are the primary beneficiaries and what the expected impact levels may be)
Recommendation (Comment on project viability, suggested next steps, and basis for recommendation)
- We recommend UASDF to fund this project. There are no critical issues in regard to the risk that may interrupt successful implementation of the project.
Environmental Concerns (comment on any obvious environmental or safety related issues to be addressed). This project has significant potentials in boosting economic growth and reducing food insecurity by increasing income levels of farmers through sale of their produces to the Coop. Increased productivity and introduction of simple processing methods leads to increased income thereby contributes to food and nutrition security through diet diversity. The additional income generated through the project will reduce food insecurity and
contribute positively to nutrition outcomes.
May 29, 2020
South Sudanese smallholder farmers in Kapuri of Central Equatoria State formed Akari Development Association (“ADA”) in 2010. ADA has a membership of 463 individuals, 260 of whom are women. ADA purchases sorghum grains from members, which it processes into sorghum flour and cleaned grains for sale in local markets. ADA would like to expand its sorghum flour processing capabilities, as there is additional strong demand for its product in local markets. ADA is constrained, however, by its use of traditional sorghum flour processing methods, as well as limited business management and financial capacities.
ADA’s Sorghum Milling Capacity Building Project is proposed to improve sorghum production by smallholder farmers with view to strenghten their operational capabilities. The project is intended to provide necessary inputs such milling equipment, packaging materials, technical training and other extension services needed to strengthen operational capabilities of ADA with particular emphasis in value addition development.
The project is financially viable, socially rewarding and economically sustainable. It is therefore recommended that USADF should provide funding and technical support for the proposed project. The project has high chances of expansion and also of being replicated elsewhere in the country.
The proposed project is to be located in Kapuri Village. It is a food-producing project primarily involving in production and packaging of sorghum flour. The production/packaging of sorghum flour have no negative impact on the environment. The packaging materials or equipment are not noisy.Through improvement of productivity, most of the members of ADA and the target smallholder sorghum producers will achieve food self-sufficiency. This situation will greatly contribute to stabilization of food availability in their rural areas, particularly for improvement of food and nutrition security.
May 29, 2020
Gezira Young People Agribusiness Trust was formed in 2012 by 135 South Sudanese youth who come from different ethnic backgrounds to engage in the business of fruit juice and smoothie blending. The primary goals of the organization are to create jobs to enable youth to become self-reliant, support food security in their community, and provide market linkages to fresh fruit farmers. GYPAT operates a juice shop in Juba and sources fresh fruit from farmers in surrounding rural areas. GYPAT has the opportunity to expand its juice business in Juba and thus increase farmer incomes as well but constrained by a lack of capacity in business and financial management, limited production capacity and inadequate funds to purchase relevant equipment and sufficient quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables for processing into juice and smoothies.
Foundation for Youth Initiative would provide demand driven trainings and technical assistances on numerous topics including ADF Required Financial and Participatory M&E; Financial Management and Entrepreneurship; Governance and Management; Agronomy; Revolving Fund Management; Policies and Procedures Manual Development; Business Plan Development and Project Evaluation.
This Project is expected to improve GYPAT’s its prospects for sustained expansion as indicated by the development of a comprehensive five-year business plan that deems suitable for funding by a donor or other financial institutions. It is also expected to improve GYPAT’s financial management, business management capacity, technical and operational capacity, marketing capacity, help increase farmers’ incomes, increased agricultural investments and supported young farmers both members and nonmembers.
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