May 29, 2020
Amount :- $ 95,345
Duration :- 2016 – 2019
Sector :- Agro-Processing (Peanut Pastes)
Beneficiaries :- 200 smallholder farmers
The project funds will be used to improve the business and financial management of KEDA through a series of trainings and of a management team. The funds will also build its technical capacity by expanding and improving its peanut paste operations through trainings in sustainable agriculture and peanut production, quality control and food safety, and through its purchase of a paste-pressing machine
Project Location :- Koyle Community Center, Koyle East, Rejaf
Summary :- The project funds will be used to improve the business and financial management of KEDA through a series of trainings and of a management team. The funds will also build its technical capacity by expanding and improving its peanut paste operations through trainings in sustainable agriculture and peanut production, quality control and food safety, and through its purchase of a paste-pressing machine
May 29, 2020
Amount :- $ 80,437.00
Duration :- 2014 – 2016
Sector :- Agriculture (Vegetables)
Beneficiaries :- 80 farmers
The project funds will be used to improve the business and financial management of Compass and the farmer groups, increase the vegetable production of the farmer groups through trainings, purchasing improved seeds, seedlings, and garden tools, installing drip irrigation and hiring an agricultural extension officer.
Project Location :- Gondokoro Island in Juba County and Terekeka County, Central Equatoria State.
Summary :- The project funds will be used to improve the business and financial management of Compass and the farmer groups, increase the vegetable production of the farmer groups through trainings, purchasing improved seeds, seedlings, and garden tools, installing drip irrigation and hiring an agricultural extension officer.
May 29, 2020
With grant funds from USADF, Foundation for Youth Initiative has supported APP’s Amimbaru Peanut Paste Capacity Building Project that invested on agro-processing of peanut paste to improve the standard of living of low-income agricultural producers in Loa Pageri Administrative Area in Eastern Equatoria State of South Sudan. The grant was used to facilitate peanut paste production, market linkages for peanut sales by the farmers, awareness creation about new agricultural technologies, capacity building for group members, micro-credit revolving loans for women and youth empowerment for poverty, hunger and illiteracy reduction.
Foundation for Youth Initiative has provided trainings and technical assistance on numerous topics including Enterprise Development and Marketing; Peanut Paste Production, Quality Control and Food Safety; Sustainable agriculture and peanut production: the best agricultural Practices; Governance and Systems Development; Financial Management Systems Development; Administrative and Operational Systems Development, Brand
Development and Marketing Plan and 5-year
Business Plan Development.
Now, APP has improved its prospects for sustained expansion as indicated by the development of a comprehensive five-year business plan that deems suitable for funding by a donor or other financial institutions, improved financial management, improved business management capacity, improved technical and operational capacity and improved marketing capacity. It also helped increase farmers’ income by almost $500,000, increased agricultural investments by $ 700,000 and supported 1,009 farmers both members and non-members.
May 29, 2020
Kanybek’s previous capacity building project proved successful and the groups were awarded an expansion grant from the USADF to increase their production. The project funds will be used to build Kanybek’s capacity in business and financial management. The funds will also build technical capacity by providing training in sustainable agriculture and establishing a small milling facility to process raw maize into maize flour. The project supports 60 smallholder farmers in Mugali, Eastern Equatoria State.
The project funds will be used to build Kanybek’s capacity in business and financial management. The funds will also build technical capacity by providing training in sustainable agriculture and establishing a small milling facility to process raw maize into maize flour and increase production.
May 29, 2020
Funded by USADF in 2015, Foundation for Youth Initiative supported Kanybek General Trading and Investment Company Ltd on its Kanybek Maize Milling Capacity Building Project. The goal of the Project was to improve the standard of living of 300-low-income maize-growers in Mugali, Eastern Equatoria State of South Sudan. The purpose of the project was to improve Kanybek’s prospects for sustained expansion as indicated by the development of a comprehensive five-year business plan that deems suitable for funding by a donor or financial institution, improved financial management capacity, management capacity and technical capacity evidenced by Kanybek’s ability to produce milled maize flour for sale to the market in a financially sustainable way.
Foundation for Youth Initiative has provided training and technical assistance on numerous topics including Enterprise Development And Marketing, Food Quality Control And Safety, Sustainable Agriculture And Maize Production, Agricultural Best Practices, Governance and Systems Development, Financial Management Systems Development, Administrative, and Operational Systems Development, Business Plan Development and Market Brand and Plan. Now in its second year, Kanybek has helped to increase farm income by almost $500,000, increased agricultural investments by $1 million, and supported 3,039 farmers both members and non-members.
See Kanybek’s Expansion project here.
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